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Surv Ivan

2004-09-09 - 2nd time

Did I meet this guy again or did I bump into him again? I bumped into him and I guess we met again. I don't often ask when speaking to God, why did you put that person in my life that way, but sometimes I feel he would provide some kind of an explanation for it.

I saw the guy walking in a crosswalk the other day, I was driving with Verune, and I thought it was like a confirmation that he was ok, and walking pretty tall I'll say, after he was hit by that big car and his prosthetic flew off; and the whole divinity of it only hitting the prosthetic leg, not his real body, you know, that kind of thing. Verune and I both thought it was great that he was walking, because by now, she knew the story. But seeing him again out in Venice today right on the same block that he was laying in the street that day, I thought I should say hi.

"Hey you're the guy -"

"- I remember you, you came up and told me you were glad I was ok."

"Yeah, and now I keep seeing you walking. Like everywhere.

" Yeah, the guy that hit me was a little weird."

"The big guy at the scene? He was a little anxious, huh."

"He was on steroids."


"And has a glass eye."

"Come on. What weird odds. And like you really needed this, after your leg thing. "

"Yeah, we settled it in his car after the ambulance left. He was like, come with me. And I did, and he paid me."

"So were you born without that part of your leg?"

"No, I lost that in a train wreck."

"Well, oh. Uhm, supposedly lightning never strikes twice in the same place, though, right?"

It really was a question at this point.

"True. And you know what was funny, the guy that hit me thought he took off my actual leg, you should've seen his face upon impact."

"How did you see his face upon impact?"

"Because I had to pull myself up onto his hood befor he completely ran me over."

I still didn't know the purpose of our meeting again, but what a nice guy! He looked a little like a smaller version of Sinbad. His name is Ivan, close enough. He even has dangly earrings, which didn't take away from his masculine thing. He said he wants to move to Thailand. It's cheaper. But then so is South Central.

It's like when I was working at this company a few years ago and I kept seeing this guy Shantel repeatedly one day, and literally and without fail whenever I went into the hallway, I'd see his silly little face, or if I went outside he'd already be there drinking coffee. Kitchen. Shantel laughing. It was becoming a funny day. Finally I said Shantel, I think you should tell me something important, or I should tell you something important. He said ok go to the Jazz Bakery, it's a great spot to hear music.

So then Ivan wanted to know what my life was like, and I told him. He had lots of questions, and luckily I was chatty. He knows more about me than my last airplane seatmate. For some reason he really wanted to hear what happens when you quit smoking. What took its place, why did you stop, I wish I could, la la la. I kept thinking how funny it would be if we got married (we wouldn't) and we had to tell people how we met.

'At a car accident. My leg flew off, I ended up laying in the street, she wanted to make sure I was ok. Then I became the nonstop walking guy, and she spotted me everyhwere, full of mobility , at intersections across town. Everywhere she looked, there I walked. That's when we knew'

I'm just wondering what will be the season finale of Ivan and me. We don't need any more trouble. I had something else to say about him but I forgot what it was, and also I was hoping to interject at this spot to mention that this entry is a total gyp. It has nothing to say, like lots of these entries, and won't help bring the troops back home, or banish cancer ( it might, defer to quitting smoking sentence) or stop men with one glass eye from running you over. In fact, I didn't want to admit this but I'm scared for Ivan's welfare, and I don't want to see him get physically hurt anymore. I think he's got a great attitude but I don't like the train wreck on its own, never mind being the precedent for a pick-a-part car shake up a few years after. What would be the next logical event in this series, a shipwreck? Ivan may not share even one of the thoughts that I am having, but it doesn't matter. If it wouldn't make him too uncomfortable, I would like to give him a party to celebrate his death defying lifestyle.

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